Sweat eat Repeat in Panama
by rrmei
Ben states the style of this holiday is “Sweat, Eat, Repeat” since we started our day with a hike as much as the top of Taboga Island’s popular cross lookout point…
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See the sandbar we swam on yesterday?
That’s Panama City in the distance.
First, we SWEAT.
Then, it was time to eat breakfast!
We left the island after breakfast to head to the cloud forest inland. It was one more boat trip as well as then bus ride.
We missed the ferry we took yesterday as well as ended up on a little quick type boat full of locals. It was cool.
I utilized these Sea Bands to stop getting sea ill as well as they worked!
A snack on the bus – churros
And before hiking we stopped at a bakery for a snack. small coffee.
BIG cookies
Then, we got sweaty while hiking again. I’m quite sure Ben will be prepared for one more 5k when we get home!
Čas k jídlu! (Which is always my preferred time.)
Warm brownies with ice cream taste much better on vacation. It’s science.
And we’ll repeat it one a lot more day before we head house ?
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Sdílení se stará!
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Ben states the style of this holiday is “Sweat, Eat, Repeat” since we started our day with a hike as much as the top of Taboga Island’s popular cross lookout point… Moje nejnovější videa Unorthodox book as well as Netflix evaluation Review of the book & Netflix series – Unorthodox. A great listen – book,…
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